
This programme is CME accredited

8:45 to 9:30 AM


Dr Tracy Butler, MD Wiell Cornell Medical College
  • Review role of amyloid and tau in pathogenesis of mild Alzheimers and Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Alzheimer's; 
  • Recap theoretic aspects of acetylcholine and glutamate in symptomatology of Alzheimers In the mild, moderate and severe stages; 
  • Explore nutritional, metabolic, and lifestyle impact on dementia prevalence and progression.
9:35 to 10:20 AM


Dr. Ana C. Pereira, M.D, Associate Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience

List the CSF, blood, and radiographic tools:

  • CSF amyloid (AB 42, 40, 42/40)
  • CSF tau. BLOOD AB 42, 40 42/40, tau 181, 217, APOE, NfL. 
  • RADIOGRAPHIC PET Amyloid and PET Tau tracers.
10:50 AM to 11:35 Noon


Pr. James E. Gavlin, MD, MPH , University of Miami Miller School of medecine
  • Utilize office-based screening tools of Mini-Mental Status Exam/MOCA/SLUMS to address symptoms of dementia. 
  • Incorporate the Clinical Dementia Rating scale to determine dementia level. 
  • Rule Out non-Alzheimer etiologies via brain MRI, laboratory tests.
11:40 AM to 12:25 AM

Anti-Amyloid Therapies: Compare and Contrast

Dr. Ranjan Duara, MD, FAAN, Medical Director, Wien Center for Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders
  • FDA-approved mechanisms Aducanemab, Lecanemab, Donanemab.
  • Understand various efficacy end-points utilized to achieve approval, i.e. CDR, Integrated Alzheimer disease rating scale, PET Amyloid levels, Quality of life, caregiver burden, etc. 
  • Learn initiation and maintenance dosing.
1:15 to 2:00 PM

Treatment side effects

Dr. Jeffrey Gelblum, MD, FAAN, First Choice Neurology

Differentiate and Treat infusion-related reactions versus hypersensitivity, ARIA E & H. Screen, and Intervene of Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormality (ARIA Edema and Hemorrhage).

Learning objectives :

  • Differentiate infusion-related reactions from hypersensitivity. 
  • Review the natural and medication-induced prevalence of amyloid related imaging abnormality (ARIA) 
  • Recognize ARIA clinical symptomatology 
  • Differentiate radiographic ARIA-E from ARIA-H 
  • Identify appropriate treatment candidates to mitigate risk of side effects.
2:30 to 3:15 PM

Case-based teaching

Pr. James E. Gavlin, MD, MPH , University of Miami Miller School of medecine
Dr. Jeffrey Gelblum, MD, FAAN, First Choice Neurology

Share 4 Clinical cases

3 :15 to 4:00 PM

Final overview & assessent

Pr. James E. Gavlin, MD, MPH University of Miami Miller School of medecine
Dr. Jeffrey Gelblum, MD, FAAN, First Choice Neurology

Final overview & assessent with Q&A for faculty